
Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Change of Plans

I thought what I'd do is share some of my recipes with you all, instead of just posting photos to make your mouths water. :)  I decided not to torture you...but instead be kind and give you the recipes so that you can make them for yourselves! 

Some will be quick and easy, but more often than not, they will be a little more complicated.  For the more complicated ones, I will have step-by-step pictures to help you, if you are just starting out in the kitchen.

For those of you who may not have as much experience in the kitchen or may be endeavoring for the first time to make something on your own (heating something out of the can or making a dish from a box, unfortunately does not count, in my book), my desire is to inspire a love for the kitchen; encourage you to not give up-should the first thing you attempt not turn out as you had wished; teach you some things that perhaps you didn't think you could attempt-simple at first, but then more in depth later on; and share with you somewhat healthy recipes that you will enjoy. 

<3 MJ

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