
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Soap Jelly--Stain Remover

I found this recipe a long time ago (well maybe 2  years ago), and it has not let me down once!  It can get out any stain... grass, blood (too many boys in the house), berries, etc.  You just rub a little of the "jelly" into the stain and let it sit for a little while... and voila!! The stain is gone. :)  Gone are the store bought stain removers FOREVER and here TO STAY is the amazing soap jelly!

The only two things you really need in order to make this unique sort of jelly is a Mason/Kerr jelly jar (with lid and screw on sealer lid) and a bar of  Safeguard soap.

Grate the entire bar of soap--small shred--not the large one that you would 
normally shred cheddar cheese on.

Normally, the shredded soap would come up to the bottom of the top screw mark as shown above. However, this jar was tampered with after I put the soap in and before I was able to snap the picture!!

 Pour boiling hot water into the jar, over the soap, until it comes as
close to the top as you can.

 Place lid and screw lid on--tightly. Leave on the back of the counter,
or someplace where it will not be disturbed, overnight.

In the morning, it is ready to use!  After you have rinsed the "stain" area fully, scoop a little jelly out with your finger and apply to the soiled spot.  Rub in and let sit for a minute.  Rinse and apply again, if needed.  You should not have to apply more than two times.  Just rub together a lot and it should come out.  Stains that have been in clothes for several years have come out easily with this stain remover.

The Recipe:

Soap Jelly

1 bar Safeguard soap (regular, not a scented type!!!!)
1 Mason/Kerr jelly jar with lid and screw on lid

Shred full bar of soap.
Fill jelly jar to the top screw line (about 1/4 - 1/3" from the top).
Pour boiling hot water over soap--into jar-- approximately 1/8" from top.
Put both lids on (flat sealer lid and then the screw lid) and let sit undisturbed overnight.
Scoop out a little with your finger and apply to stain area--wet material first and then apply--rubbing jelly in well.
Let sit a minute or so;  rinse.
You may repeat one more time, but you should not have to do it more than that.

<3 Enjoy your favorite clothes again!!  Gone are those darned spaghetti sauce, grape juice/wine, or grass stains that just wouldn't budge.   :)

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